Facebook Communication

Join our private Facebook Group to get updates on transportation, hotel and game information, pictures, and more!

Our official Facebook Page is used for announcements and news!

Remind Text Alerts

Join our Remind group to recieve critial alerts via text - items such as rescheduled game times, or other critical short notice alerts will be sent out in this manner. Text @SYLPOLO to 81010 to join, or search for @SYLPOLO in the Remind app!

Get Involved

There are many ways to help volunteer with the team, primarily being a scoreboard keeper or running the overhead announcements during matches. Unfortunately with the COVID-19 pandemic, things aren't quite back to normal yet. If you're interested in volunteering or helping out, use the Contact Us page to drop Coach Alberto a note! When there are opportunities that arise, we'll reach out. Thank you for your support!